“Real knowledge is not theoretical.”
“Every word we speak or everything we do is an offering to Krsna or our Ego.”
“We are not here for happy material life, we are here for selfless service and shelter.”
“Shelter comes when the Lord is pleased with our intention & spirit of service.”
“Every decision must be made in harmony with what is actually the purpose of life.”
“You are where your mind is.”
“If we want to attain the sea of our aspiration, we must persevere in our goal and never be discouraged by the inevitable obstacles that come on our path. All impediments are like rocks in the river of life, we should flow around them and never give up.”
“Bhakti yoga is the science of transforming material into spiritual by harmonizing our relationships, talents and property in devotion to the Lord”
“God is simultaneously personal and impersonal, formless and has eternal blissful form.”
“The soul is part and parcel of the Lord simultaneously one with God and different from God.”